La YWCA está orgullosa del trabajo que hacemos y del impacto que tenemos en la comunidad de High Point. No podríamos llevar a cabo esta labor sin la generosa ayuda financiera de los donantes. soporte de nuestros donantes particulares, subvenciones y fundaciones privadas, subvenciones públicas, patrocinio empresarial y United Way of High Point. Estamos orgullosos de compartir nuestros progresos y resultados en estados financieros detallados.
Creemos que la transparencia financiera es fundamental para el éxito de cualquier organización sin ánimo de lucro. Cada día nuestros clientes confían en nosotros para que les proporcionemos servicios que les cambien la vida y les pongan en forma, y nuestros donantes confían en que seamos sabios administradores de su inversión.
Ver estados financieros auditados anteriores:
Ver informes de impacto anteriores:
- Informe de impacto 2022
- Informe de impacto 2021
- Informe de impacto 2020
- Informe de impacto de 2018
- Informe de impacto de 2017
- Informe de impacto de 2016
Consulte nuestros informes 990 más recientes:
The YWCA has provided opportunities, programs, and support that is specific to my needs.
I’ve never been to an organization that is more accommodating and friendlier than the YWCA of High Point.
Good swimming, good fitness, good friends.
It’s convenient, has a great atmosphere, and a great selection of programs for the amount of pay.
The YWCA is that place that is like a third home to me. The people are super friendly, super welcoming, and super caring. That is what really makes the YWCA a place I love to be.
Everyone I’ve come in contact with at the YWCA is genuinely nice and helpful. They are attentive to my needs and I always feel comfortable at the YWCA.
Along with the calm and pleasant atmosphere, the YWCA’s fitness programs that are offered have improved my overall health.
I only have the highest things to say about the YWCA. The facilities and programs have met the specific needs of my wife and I and the people know us by name. Overall, it has been a great fit for us.
The YWCA is convenient for me and my schedule. They are always consistent in their programs and always hospitable.
I appreciate the reliability and availability of their programs and amenities.